Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Abai Kunanbaev

Oinet.kz 08-10-2018 1346

Тақырыбы: Abai Kunanbaev
To know about Abai Kunanbaev more, to be able to work in groups, to develop their patriotic love
Күтілетін нәтиже: - To be able to talk about great Kazakh poet.
- They will share with their rhoughts more easily because of a group work.
- They develop their critical thinking abilities.

Сабақ барысы
1. Кіріспе 1. Greeting
T: - Good morning, children. Look at (these pictures) the blackboard. Say what we are going to speak about today?
2. To show the video about Abai Kunanbaev

1. Тұсаукесер 1. Working on the text.
Abai Kunanbaev (1845 - 1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region).

He was a well - known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

The heritage he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national patrimony of Kazakhstan. He translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into Kazakh language.

«Kara Sozder» [Book of Words] (prose) created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly.

The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well - known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.
2. Let’s revise the most useful words according to the theme of the lesson in Russian, Kazakh and English. Translate the words from Kazakh into English and Russian:
Working on the vocabulary.
негізін қалаушы
салт - дәстүрлері
шетел тілі
ана тілі
1. Негізгі бөлім

1. Read the statements, choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about Abai Kunanbaev, put them in the correct order:
• He died in 1904.
• He died in 1961, his stories and novels became very popular among young people.
• He was born in 1845.
• Some time later he was moved to the administrative department of Orynbor region as a translator.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• He had been elabourating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He finished the muslim religious school (medresse). Also he studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.
• He translated many works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gothe, Tolstoi, Saltykov – Schedrin and other poets and writers from Russian into Kazakh.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• His first work “Enlik - Kebek” was written in 1917, it was the beginning of the great creative way.
2. Let’s sing Abai’s song.
Black of my eye
Frame of my mind
Drink never dry
Love of my Life

Parting is winter, your absence is sorrow
I wish to stay until the morrow
Between your fair arms
when the nightingale sings, 'Terrow'

The corners of your eyes
sparkle and they glisten
when you speak your solid words
everyone will listen

Black of my eye
Frame of my mind
Drink never dry
Love of my Life

1. Қорытынды 1. Abai Kunanbaev
Date / place of birth
The most famous creative works
Public activity
Date of death

2. The poems written by Abai Kunanbaev are very popular among young people nowadays. I want the lesson to be finished with one of the poems written by Abai Kunanbaev:
Сегіз аяқ.
Алыстан сермеп,
Жүректен тербеп,
Шымырлап бойға жайылған.
Хиуадан шауып,
Қисынын тауып,
Тағыны жетіп қайырған.
Толғауы тоқсан қызыл тіл,
Сөйлеймін десең өзің біл.

Өткірдің жүзі,
Кестенің бізі,
Өрнегін сендей сала алмас.
Білгенге маржан,
Білмеске арзан,
Надандар баһра ала алмас.
Қиналма бекер тіл мен жақ,
Көңілсіз құлақ, ойға олақ.

Үйге тапсырма
Қосымша оқу
Абай Құнанбаев туралы слайд қорғау
Абайдың 1 өлеңін ағылшын тілінде жатқа айту
Смайликтер арқылы бүгінгі сабақ бойынша ой - пікірлерін жаздырту
Көңіл - күй экранын толтырту
Не сәтті өтті?
Нені дамыта аласыз?
Не сәтсіз өтті?
Нені өзгерткіңіз келеді?

Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар ауданы,
Қарашоқат орта мектебінің
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Қуатова Гүлжахан

Ашық сабақ: «Ер Төстік» ертегісі
Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Сабаққа қойылатын дидактикалық талаптар
Сәйкес тақырыптар