Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. English in mind 2

Oinet.kz 25-08-2020 638

Английский English in mind 2 Поурочные планы



Тема: Unit1. Great idea

Цель:  To present and practice new vocabulary. Describing recent events. Writing an email giving recent news.

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?

ГрамматикаPast continuous

Чтение: Ex1. If you set the background information as a homework research task, ask the student to tell the class what they found out. In pairs, students discuss which method of communication they use most, and then advantages and disadvantages of each method. You may like give to give some ideas of your own to get them started. Listen to some of their thoughts in open class as feedback. Tell students they are going to hear somebody talking about different methods in the box are not mentioned. As you check answers, ask students to describe each of the methods of communication. Students think about the advantages of the communication methods in Exercise 1b and decide which they think is most effective. Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss their ideas. Circulate and monitor to help with any questions. Listen to some of their ideas in open class and encourage further discussion.

Ex2. Read the questions and listen to students answers. You may like to ask students what they think the advantages of being a twin are. Tell students they are going to read an article about communication between twins. Students read the text quickly to find the answers to the questions. Tell them it is not important to understand every word. Read through the sentences with students and check understanding. Pre-teach some of the more difficult words. Students read the text again and listen, them decide if the statements are true or false, and correct any false statements. Students check their answers with a partner before feedback.

Устная речь и письмо графикаEx3. Ask students to live in Paris now. Ask students to identify the tenses in each sentence. Elicit or Explain the use of the present perfect tense to indicate unfinished time and elicit the construction of each tense. Point out that regular verbs have the same past form and past participle.

Ex5. If you set background information as a homework research task, ask students to tell the class what they have found out. Students read through items 1 go 10 and look at the pictures. Match the first item as an example, and see if students to check answers. Play the recording for students to check answers. Play the recording again, pausing after each item for students to repeat.

Teacher. In MT ask the children the following questions.

  • Did you like the lesson today?

  • What did you know from the lesson?

Домашнее задание: Work Book





Тема: Unit2. He run faster

Цель:  To present and practice new vocabulary. Describing recent events. Writing an email giving recent news.

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?

ГрамматикаComparative and superlative adjectives


Чтение: Ex1. Students discuss the questions and make a list of some fictional animals. Listen to some of their ideas in open class. Ask them which fictional animal they like best and why. Tell students they are going to read a story about a dog. Look at the pictures with students ask them to guess what might happen in the story. Students match the phrases with the pictures. Students decide on the best order for the pictures, then try and tell the first part of the story. Circulate and help with vocabulary as necessary, but don’t comment on their ideas at this stage. Play the recording. Students read and listen to check their answers to Exercise 1c.

Устная речь и письмо графика: Ex2. Students read the sentences and identify the verb tenses. Point out the similar in construction between the past continuous and the present continuous. Read through the rules with students and ask them to complete sentences. Students complete the sentences using correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Ex3. Students read and listen to the second part of the story and find out what happened in the end. Elicit what mistake Llewellyn had made. Ask students if they enjoyed  the story and if the ending of the story and if the ending of the story surprised them.

Ex4. Tell students they are going to listen to a girl telling the story they read. Play the recording and repeat if necessary.

Ex5. Read the sentences with the class. Elicit the construction of the past perfect tense. Read the questions with the class and elicit answers. Point out that we talk about an event in the past, we use the past simple.  Students find other examples of the past perfect in the story in Exercise 3b. check answers. Students now read through and complete the rule.

Ex6. Ask students which adjectives from the warm up are real characteristics of a good friend. Elicit loyal and check students understanding the meaning. Students read and complete the questionnaire. Help students with difficult vocabulary.

Teacher. In MT ask the children the following questions.

  • Did you like the lesson today?

  • What did you know from the lesson?

Домашнее задание: Work Book



Тема: Unit3. Our World

Цель:  To present and practice new vocabulary. Describing recent events. Writing an email giving recent news.

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?


Чтение: Ex1. Books closed. To introduce the topic of jobs in the pictures. Explain that jobs can be grouped into different fields of work, and go through the fields in the box. Students match the words in the pictures. Check answers. Divide the class into pairs and give students time to think of two jobs for each of the fields.

Ex2. Tell the students they are going to read a web page where four teenagers talk about their part time jobs. Students read the text to find out which fields the teenagers want to work in. Check students understand the meaning of the sentence. Encourage them to answer the questions from memory before reading and listening again to check.

Устная речь и письмо графика: Ex3. Students underline other examples of the present perfect and the present prefect continuous in the text in Exercise 2b. Students complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Check answers encouraging students to decide if the action is finished or unfinished. Ask students to read through questions 1 to 7 match them with answers using the present perfect simple or continuous. Encourage students to think about whether the action has finished or is continuing into the present.

Ex4. Explain that students should take turns to tell their partners about the different subject on the page. Remind students that some verbs.

Ex6. Look at the jobs  and activities in the boxes and check understanding. In open class, elicit possible questions that might be asked at an interview. Write any good ideas on the board. Tell students they are going hear two teenagers talking about a job interview. Play the recording while students listen for the answers to the questions. Tell them not try to understand every word, but to listen for the specific information required to answer the questions. Check answers.

Teacher. In MT ask the children the following questions.

  • Did you like the lesson today?

  • What did you know from the lesson?

Домашнее задание: Work Book

Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. English in mind 3
Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Messages 2
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