Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Primary colours 4

Oinet.kz 25-08-2020 995

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Lesson 1

ТемаMr Wilson wants to travel


Цель: To revise language from Primary Colors

Организационный момент (10 минут)

Teacher: Hello. (encourage children say Hello.Pupils say hello each other. Introduce the book asking them to look it through.) Посмотрите на учебники и скажите какие картинки понравились вам. Найдите конкретные вещи, например, картину шаттла то, что они могут сделать, где они могут узнать информацию месяцев о гимн и т.д. Найдите информацию о книге. The name of my book is…. The writers are….. My book has got….. pages. It has got…. songs

Грамматика: Nouns Verbs


Чтение: (5 минут) Ex 1.p 4. If the children have used Primary Colours 1, you could start by asking them what happened in that book. For example Can you remember the names of the children (Jess, Nick, Joanne, Zara, Tom, Ben )

Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex 1 p4. Ex 4 p5.  Teacher: Дети закрыли свои книги, а затем послушайте аудиозапись один или два раза. Аsk children questions about what they hear. For example: Where are Su and Leo? (in the park) What is noise? (The Adventure Car). The children can then listen again with their books open.

Игры : Ex3 p5.  Play game. This is a short memory task. Дети, посмотрите на картинку 1, на странице 4, в течение10 секунд затем закройте книги. In pairs they take turns to tell each other what Su and Leo have got You can then ask the whole class for their answers and write them on the board. Insist on complete sentences for example They have got……

Письмо графика (20 минут). Activity Book Exercises 3.p3.  Look at the Adventure Car in Exercise 1. Write numbers. Check with your friend. Посмотрите на Adventure Car в Упражнение 1. Напишите цифры. Проверьте с вашим другом. Match the things to the words in the list. Exercise 2. Look at the Exercise 1. Think Write about Leo and Su

Активный словарьUncle, secret, smile, the past, the future, travel, sell

T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!
Ps: Goodbye! See you later! 


Домашнее задание : A.B. ex.1-2 p.2




Lesson 2


Цель: To revise language from Primary Colours

Грамматика: Prepositions

Between, behind, in ….


Организационный момент (5 минут)  Приветствие.

Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are you filling today?

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What day is it today?

  • Who is absent?

Чтение: (10 минут) Ex1 p6.  Children, look for the (strange things), you can use the picture to revise the names of the colours. You could write some questions on the board. How many orange fish are there? How many blue fish are there?

Аудирование:(10 минут) Ex4 p7.  Listen and read about coral. Check your answers to Exercise 3.  Дети, прочитайте текст, я даю вам несколько минут. After you have read through the text with them, ask them to look back at the questions in Exercise 3 and check their answers. Теперь посмотрите на упражнение 3 и проверьте свои ответы

 Письмо графика:  (20 минут). Activity book Exercises 1,4 pages 4 and 5.

Exercise 1 Complete the puzzle. Find the answer and draw the picture. Exercise 4 Find out. Ask your friends and look in books. Are the sentences true or false?

Активный словарь: Magazine above, behind, between, in, in front of, next to, on, under


T: Our lesson is over. Goodbye!See you later!
Ps: Goodbye! See you later! 


Домашнее задание : A.B. ex. 2-3 p.4-5







Lesson 3

Тема: Don’t touch!


Цель:  To teach the names of objects in a town

To teach the use of What’s that? And practise It’s a…

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?

Аудирование:P26 Ex1. Look at the picture with the children. Say Look! A balloon. Then turn back to page 24. Point to the pictures to show that it’s the same balloon. Turn back to page 26, and ask them what they can see. Point at the different things in the picture of the town and say the names. For the moment, the children can just listen and follow you. Play the recording. Ask the children to point at the words as they listen. Play the recording two or three times. Get the children to tell you the new words by holding up Vocabulary Cards. Read the dialogue aloud. You could take the part of Jess and get different children to take the part of Nick. Make sure they pronounce the s correctly in What’s and It’s. When you reach Kip’s question at the end of the dialogue, ask the class to answer it. Divide class into pairs and get them to read the dialogue. You could some ask children to act out the story for the class. Ask for volunteers and choose two or three pairs. The acting-out can be a lot more memorable and fun if you provide some props. For example: binoculars made from cardboard rolls. Pictures of a car, a cat, a dog, a school which the children can point at.

Устная речь и игры: P27 Ex2. Play the song and encourage the children to sing. Use gesture to show the meaning of in the sky. Divide the class into halves, with one half asking the question in the second verse and the other half answering it. Add other words to the song by holding up classroom objects.

P27 Ex3. Play the game. Hand out copies of Cut-out 1 and get the children to cut out the binoculars and the lens holes. Alternatively, depending on the abilities of your class, you might want to have then ready cut. Divide the class into two pairs. Explain to the children that they have to cover an objects in the pictures with the binoculars and only slowly reveal it to their partner. Demonstrate once or twice in front of the class. Then te get the children to do it themselves in pairs. Go around the room and listen to what they say. You or the children could glue the binoculars onto card and then cut the lens holes. This way, they will last longer. Collect in the binoculars so that the children can use them again later. They can play the binocular game with any of the large pictures in the book.

Письмо графикаActivity book. P32.Chidren trace over the words. Then led by you the whole class read the sentences aloud  in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Read a sentence at random from the page. The children must point at the word/phrase you say. After a while, a series of children can take over your role. P33. Ansar and Alua will become regular characters. In MT invite children to guess how old they are and where they come from. The children trace over the sentence. Then, led by you, the whole class read the sentence aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Organise the class into pairs. In each pair one child is Ansar, the other is Alua. They read aloud the contents of the voice balloons accordingly. They then reverse roles and repeat.




Lesson 6

Тема: Animals

Цель:  To teach the regular plural forms

To teach the names of some foods

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?

Аудирование:P28 Ex1. Listen and follow. To prepare for the listening, you could bring a lunch box into the class and show the children what food you have in it. Tell them what your favorite thing is. If the children bring lunch boxes to school, you could look through some with them. Say the names of some of the things you find and comment on them. Try to use the plural form, as this is a key point of this section. For example: Mmmmm. Apples. Apples are my favorite. Allow the children to look at the pictures for a minute or two. Draw a picture for each item on the board, or hold up Vocabulary Cards 56-60. Say the question and then the answer while you point at each item. Ask the question again

Устная речь и игры: P27 Ex2. Play the song and encourage the children to sing. Use gesture to show the meaning of in the sky. Divide the class into halves, with one half asking the question in the second verse and the other half answering it. Add other words to the song by holding up classroom objects.

P27 Ex3. Play the game. Hand out copies of Cut-out 1 and get the children to cut out the binoculars and the lens holes. Alternatively, depending on the abilities of your class, you might want to have then ready cut. Divide the class into two pairs. Explain to the children that they have to cover an objects in the pictures with the binoculars and only slowly reveal it to their partner. Demonstrate once or twice in front of the class. Then te get the children to do it themselves in pairs. Go around the room and listen to what they say. You or the children could glue the binoculars onto card and then cut the lens holes. This way, they will last longer. Collect in the binoculars so that the children can use them again later. They can play the binocular game with any of the large pictures in the book.

Письмо графикаActivity book. P32.Chidren trace over the words. Then led by you the whole class read the sentences aloud  in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Read a sentence at random from the page. The children must point at the word/phrase you say. After a while, a series of children can take over your role. P33. Ansar and Alua will become regular characters. In MT invite children to guess how old they are and where they come from. The children trace over the sentence. Then, led by you, the whole class read the sentence aloud in unison, pointing at the words as they read. Organise the class into pairs. In each pair one child is Ansar, the other is Alua. They read aloud the contents of the voice balloons accordingly. They then reverse roles and repeat.







Lesson 7

Тема: Adverbs

Цель:  To revise instruction

To revise and practise the plural form.

Организационный момент: Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today?  Who is on duty today?  What date is it today? What days is it today?

Аудирование:P30 Ex1. Play the recording once and get the children to say the numbers. Then play it again, pause at each number and get them to say the next one-the recording will then confirm if they are right or not. The children then write the correct number over each word. Alternativily, they can copy the numbers into their exercise books and write the words under each one. Say numbers at random from 1 to 10 and ask the children to say the next number. Write the numbers 1-10 on the board, close your eyesand randomly point at one of them. The children have to say the number. Use the numbers to play Bingo or The number game. Play a Find game. Write five or six word in the board. In pairs children have to find items in the classroom or in the book that match each number.

Устная речь и игры: P30 Ex2. This is an action chant. Before you play the recording read the words to the children and get them to do the actions. In the final line, they should stand up. Encourage them to say the words woith you. Then play the recording. The children do the actions and say the words at the same time. Divide the class into two groups. They take it in turns to say the lines of the chant while everybody does the actions.

Ex3. Think. Say the next two numbers. Read the speech bubbles to the children and ask them what they think the next number are. Then play the recording and get them to say the next numbers.

Ex4. This pairwork game provides extra practise with the plural form. Ideally, pairs should sit back to back. If this is not possible, they must keep their drawing hidden from their partner. If they are not allowed to draw in their books ask them to copy the pictures of the bags into their exercise books. In the bag labelled your bag each child draws four or five collections of objects, for example three cake, five pencils. They then tell their partner, who draws the objects in the bag labelled Your friends bag. Go around the class and listen. Make sure that threy are saying the final s correctly for the plural form. When they have finished, they can check if they are correct by looking  at their partner’s picture.

Письмо графикаActivity book. P36 Ex1. Think. Find six more differences. Ask the children to write the lists in their exercise books. If you do the exercise in the classroom, they can work in pairs to find the seven differences, and you can go through the answers with the class. You can use has got when you are talking about the pictures, but this is not a teaching point here. Don’t expect the children to use this form, but ensure that they say the plural form correctly. Ex2. Think. Write the words. Explain to the children that they have to write the missing numbers in words. They can read the sums across or down. Ex3. Play a game. The children write numbers and try to guess what their partner has written. To help them, you can write the numbers 1-10 in words and digits on the board.

Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Messages 1
Ашық сабақ. Ағылшын тілі. Primary colours 3
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